Having drawn all my individual images this is my first attempt at putting all the images together to create my wall mural. After I scanned it into my mac and added some colour in photoshop, I feel that something is missing so asked for some feedback. I have been advised that some of my images need to bigger than others, that I should maybe consider using an actual font instead of a drawn font. Also that I should be weary when using a footballers face, as players tend to move from team to team. I don't want to get rid of this image all together, but I will decrease the size. I need to be careful that I don't make the overall look of my mural too much like a scrapbook and too childish. Any other feedback would be greatly appreciated as I need to get a move on with ideas for my menu. I don't want to be spending all my time on drawing!
Below is my second layout, which I think is better in some ways than the first but I am still not totally happy with it. I feel it needs more depth, possibly more colour and a focal point, including the Yo! Sushi logo. I may also repeat my images more than once and overlap images, to give it a collage type of style. I am going to try to make the viewing of my mural quite easy to follow e.g. landscape, from left to right, in a flowing sort of manner.
Below is my final drawing of the layout for my mural. I have added 'Yo! Sushi' red to the flag in photoshop. I am also going to add some more text and my own Yo Sushi! barcelona logo to the mural which I will look at next.
Below are my two possible options for my Yo! Sushi logo, as this is not the main part of my task I have just decided to keep the original logo of Yo! sushi, and just add Barcelona underneath in the same typography that i have used on my wall mural. I may also use this font and styling in my mail pack and menu designs.
Even though I don't want to distract too much attention away from the illustrations in my wall mural, the most eye-catching colour in the mural is red, so because of this I am going to use the image below in design.
Apart from a few minor adjustments, below is pretty much my final design for Barcelona's mural. It has much more depth than the others that I have done. I am going to add a few images coming off from the entire mural to make the overall shape a bit more random.
Before I came up with the above layout, I toyed around with some others which are below. I felt that the one image on it's own did not quite give the piece a finished look and I think replicating the image works quite well in doing this.
The above layout I think is a bit too fussy, so I have tried a more simplistic version which is below.
The above layout is better but still needs some more work to it, I will duplicate the image and experiment with different sizes. I am still waiting for feedback on it, but below is my final wall mural for Barcelona.